Title: | Multivariate Survival Trees |
Description: | Constructs trees for multivariate survival data using marginal and frailty models. Grows, prunes, and selects the best-sized tree. |
Authors: | Xiaogang Su [aut], Peter Calhoun [aut, cre], Juanjuan Fan [aut] |
Maintainer: | Peter Calhoun <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-2 |
Version: | 2.2 |
Built: | 2025-02-28 04:31:15 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/cran/MST |
This package constructs trees for multivariate survival data using marginal and frailty models
Package: | MST |
Type: | Package |
Version: | 2.2 |
Date: | 2020-04-05 |
License: | GPL-2 |
Decision trees require few statistical assumptions, handle a variety of data structures, and provide meaningful interpretations. There are several R packages that provide functions to construct survival trees (see rpart, partykit, and DStree); this package extends the implementation to multivariate survival data. There are two main approaches to analyzing correlated failure times. One is the marginal approach studied by authors Wei et al. (1989) and Liang et al. (1993). In the marginal model, the correlation is modeled implicitly using generalized estimating equations on the marginal distribution formulated by the Cox (1972) proportional hazards model. The other approach is the frailty model studied by Clayton (1978) and Clayton and Cuzick (1985). In the frailty model, the correlation is modeled explicitly by a multiplicative random effect called frailty, which corresponds to some common unobserved characteristics shared by all correlated times.
The construction of the tree adopts a modified CART procedure controlling for the correlated failure times. The procedure consists of three stages: growing the initial tree, pruning the tree, and selecting the best-sized subtree; details of these steps are described elsewhere (Fan et al. [2006], Su and Fan [2004], and Fan et al. [2009]). There are two methods for selecting the best-sized subtree. When the dataset is large, one may divide the dataset into a training sample to grow and prune the initial tree and a test sample to select the best-sized tree. When the dataset is small, one can resample the dataset to choose the best-sized subtree.
Xiaogang Su, Peter Calhoun, & Juanjuan Fan
Maintainer: Peter Calhoun <[email protected]>
Calhoun P., Su X., Nunn M., Fan J. (2018) Constructing Multivariate Survival Trees: The MST Package for R. Journal of Statistical Software, 83(12), 1–21.
Clayton D.G. (1978) A model for association in bivariate life tables and its application in epidemiologic studies of familial tendency in chronic disease incidence. Biometrika, 65(1), 141–151
Clayton D.G. and Cuzick J. (1985) Multivariate generalization of the proportional hazards model. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A, 148(2), 82–108
Cox D.R. (1972) Regression models and life-tables (with discussion). Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B, 34(2), 187–220.
Fan J., Su X., Levine R., Nunn M., LeBlanc M. (2006) Trees for Correlated Survival Data by Goodness of Split, With Applications to Tooth Prognosis. Journal of American Statistical Association, 101(475), 959–967.
Fan J., Nunn M., Su X. (2009) Multivariate exponential survival trees and their application to tooth prognosis. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 53(4), 1110–1121.
Liang K.Y., Self S.G., Chang Y. (1993) Modeling marginal hazards in multivariate failure time data. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B, 55(2), 441–453
Su X., Fan J. (2004) Multivariate Survival Trees: A Maximum Likelihood Approach Based on Frailty Models. Biometrics, 60(1), 93–99.
Su X., Fan J., Wang A., Johnson M. (2006) On Simulating Multivariate Failure Times. International Journal of Applied Mathematics & Statistics, 5, 8–18
Wei L.J., Lin D.Y., Weissfeld L. (1989) Regression analysis of multivariate incomplete failure time data by modeling marginal distributions. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 84(408), 1065–1073
This function extracts the tree based on the split penalty.
getTree(mstObj, Ga = c("0", "2", "3", "4", "log_n"))
getTree(mstObj, Ga = c("0", "2", "3", "4", "log_n"))
mstObj |
The output from the MST fit |
Ga |
The split penalty |
The tree of object class "constparty"
Peter Calhoun <[email protected]>
Constructs trees for multivariate survival data using marginal and frailty models. A wrapper function that grows a large initial tree, prunes the tree, and selects the best sized tree.
MST(formula, data, test = NULL, weights_data, weights_test, subset, method = c("marginal", "gamma.frailty", "exp.frailty", "stratified", "independence"), minsplit = 20, minevents = 3, minbucket = round(minsplit/3), maxdepth = 10, mtry = NULL, distinct = TRUE, delta = 0.05, nCutPoints = 50, selection.method = c("test.sample", "bootstrap"), B = 30, LeBlanc = TRUE, min.boot.tree.size = 1, plot.Ga = TRUE, filename = NULL, horizontal = TRUE, details = FALSE, sortTrees = TRUE)
MST(formula, data, test = NULL, weights_data, weights_test, subset, method = c("marginal", "gamma.frailty", "exp.frailty", "stratified", "independence"), minsplit = 20, minevents = 3, minbucket = round(minsplit/3), maxdepth = 10, mtry = NULL, distinct = TRUE, delta = 0.05, nCutPoints = 50, selection.method = c("test.sample", "bootstrap"), B = 30, LeBlanc = TRUE, min.boot.tree.size = 1, plot.Ga = TRUE, filename = NULL, horizontal = TRUE, details = FALSE, sortTrees = TRUE)
formula |
A linear survival model with the response on the left of a ~ operator and the predictors, separated by + operators, on the right. Cluster (or id) variable is distinguished by a vertical bar |
data |
Data to grow and prune the tree |
test |
Test sample if available |
weights_data |
An optional vector of weights to grow the tree |
weights_test |
An optional vector of weights to select the best-sized tree |
subset |
An optional vector specifying a subset of observations to be used to grow the tree |
method |
Indicates method of handling correlation: must be either |
minsplit |
Number: Controls the minimum node size |
minevents |
Number: Controls the minimum number of uncensored event times |
minbucket |
Number: Controls the minimum number of observations in any terminal node |
maxdepth |
Number: Maximum depth of tree |
mtry |
Number of variables considered at each split. The default is to consider all variables |
distinct |
Logical: Indicates if all distinct cutpoints or only percentiles considered |
delta |
Consider cutpoints from delta to 1 |
nCutPoints |
Number of cutpoints (percentiles) considered. Only used when |
selection.method |
Indicates method of selecting the best-sized subtree: |
B |
Number of bootstrap samples. Only used if |
LeBlanc |
Logical: Indicates if entire sample used (alternative is out-of-bag sample). Only used if |
min.boot.tree.size |
Number: Minimum size of tree grown at each bootstrap |
plot.Ga |
Logical: Indicates if goodness-of-fit vs. tree size should be plotted |
filename |
Name of the file plotted |
horizontal |
Logical: Indicates if plot should be landscape |
details |
Logical: Indicates if detailed information on the construction should be printed |
sortTrees |
Logical: Indicates if trees should be sorted such that each split to the left has lower risk of failure |
Marginal and frailty models are the two main ways to analyze correlated failure times. Let represent the covariate vector for the
th member in the
th cluster.
The marginal model uses the Cox (1972) proportional hazards model:
where is an unspecified baseline hazard function and
is the indicator function.
The gamma frailty model uses the proportional hazards model:
where is an unspecified baseline hazard function,
is the indicator function, and
is the frailty term for the
th cluster.
The exponential frailty model uses the proportional hazards model:
where is the indicator function and
is the frailty term for the
th cluster.
For the marginal model, a robust logrank statistic is calculated for each covariate and possible cutpoint
. The estimate of the score function and likelihood of
can be obtained assuming independence. However, the variance-covariance structure adjusts for the dependence using a sandwich-type estimator. The best split is the one with the largest robust logrank statistic.
For the frailty models, a score test statistic is calculated from the maximum integrated log likelihood for each covariate and possible cutpoint
. The frailty term must follow some known positive distribution; one common choice is
represents an unknown variance. Note, the exponential frailty model replaces the baseline hazard function with a constant, yielding different score test statistics and typically computationally faster splits. The best split is the one with the largest score test statistic.
Stratified model grows a tree by minimizing the within-strata variation. This method should be used with care because the tree will not split on variables with a fixed value within each stratum. The independence model ignores the dependence and uses the logrank statistic as the splitting rule.
For continuous variables with many distinct cutpoints, the number of cutpoints considered can be reduced to percentiles. Using percentiles increases efficiency at the expense of less accuracy.
Growing the initial tree is done by splitting nodes (as described above) reiteratively until the maximum depth of the tree is reached or a small number of observations remain at terminal node. However, as the final tree model can be any subtree of the initial tree, the number of subtrees can become massive. A goodness-of-fit with an added penalty for the number of internal nodes is used to prune the trees (i.e. reduce the number of subtrees considered). The best-sized tree is selected by the largest goodness-of-fit with the added penalty using either the test sample or bootstrap samples.
tree0 |
The initial tree. Tree listed as constparty object |
prunining.info |
Trees pruned and considered in the best tree selection |
best.tree.size |
The best tree size based on the penalty used |
best.tree.structure |
The best tree structure based on the penalty used. Tree listed as constparty object |
Note, the constparty object requires a constant fit from each terminal node. Thus, the predict
and plot
functions ignore the dependence, so users are recommended to fit their own model when making predictions (see example)
Error messages in the gamma frailty models sometimes occur when using the bootstrap method. Increasing minsplit
may help fix these errors. The exponential frailty model can have problems for large, extremely unbalanced designs. Currently weights can only be applied to marginal and gamma frailty models.
Code may take awhile to implement large datasets. To decrease computation time, user should use test sample (selection.method = "test.sample"
). User can also split continuous variables based on percentiles (distinct = FALSE
) at the expense of slightly less accuracy. Gamma frailty models are more computationally intensive
Xiaogang Su, Peter Calhoun, and Juanjuan Fan
Calhoun P., Su X., Nunn M., Fan J. (2018) Constructing Multivariate Survival Trees: The MST Package for R. Journal of Statistical Software, 83(12), 1–21.
Cox D.R. (1972) Regression models and life-tables (with discussion). Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B, 34(2), 187–220.
Fan J., Su X., Levine R., Nunn M., LeBlanc M. (2006) Trees for Correlated Survival Data by Goodness of Split, With Applications to Tooth Prognosis. Journal of American Statistical Association, 101(475), 959–967.
Fan J., Nunn M., Su X. (2009) Multivariate exponential survival trees and their application to tooth prognosis. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 53(4), 1110–1121.
Su X., Fan J. (2004) Multivariate Survival Trees: A Maximum Likelihood Approach Based on Frailty Models. Biometrics, 60(1), 93–99.
set.seed(186117) data <- rmultime(N = 200, K = 4, beta = c(-1, 0.8, 0.8, 0, 0), cutoff = c(0.5, 0.3, 0, 0), model = "marginal.multivariate.exponential", rho = 0.65)$dat test <- rmultime(N = 100, K = 4, beta = c(-1, 0.8, 0.8, 0, 0), cutoff = c(0.5, 0.3, 0, 0), model = "marginal.multivariate.exponential", rho = 0.65)$dat #Construct Multivariate Survival Tree: fit <- MST(formula = Surv(time, status) ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 | id, data, test, method = "marginal", minsplit = 100, minevents = 20, selection.method = "test.sample") (tree_final <- getTree(fit, 4)) plot(tree_final) #Fit a model from the final tree data$term_nodes <- as.factor(predict(tree_final, newdata = data, type = 'node')) coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ term_nodes + cluster(id), data = data)
set.seed(186117) data <- rmultime(N = 200, K = 4, beta = c(-1, 0.8, 0.8, 0, 0), cutoff = c(0.5, 0.3, 0, 0), model = "marginal.multivariate.exponential", rho = 0.65)$dat test <- rmultime(N = 100, K = 4, beta = c(-1, 0.8, 0.8, 0, 0), cutoff = c(0.5, 0.3, 0, 0), model = "marginal.multivariate.exponential", rho = 0.65)$dat #Construct Multivariate Survival Tree: fit <- MST(formula = Surv(time, status) ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 | id, data, test, method = "marginal", minsplit = 100, minevents = 20, selection.method = "test.sample") (tree_final <- getTree(fit, 4)) plot(tree_final) #Fit a model from the final tree data$term_nodes <- as.factor(predict(tree_final, newdata = data, type = 'node')) coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ term_nodes + cluster(id), data = data)
Generates multivariate survival data
rmultime(N = 100, K = 4, beta = c(-1, 2, 1, 0, 0), cutoff = c(0.5, 0.5, 0, 0), digits = 1, icensor = 1, model = c("gamma.frailty", "log.normal.frailty", "marginal.multivariate.exponential", "marginal.nonabsolutely.continuous", "nonPH.weibull"), v = 1, rho = 0.65, a = 1.5, lambda = 0.1)
rmultime(N = 100, K = 4, beta = c(-1, 2, 1, 0, 0), cutoff = c(0.5, 0.5, 0, 0), digits = 1, icensor = 1, model = c("gamma.frailty", "log.normal.frailty", "marginal.multivariate.exponential", "marginal.nonabsolutely.continuous", "nonPH.weibull"), v = 1, rho = 0.65, a = 1.5, lambda = 0.1)
N |
Number of clusters (ids) |
K |
Number of units per cluster |
beta |
Vector of beta coefficients (first number is baseline hazard coefficient ( |
cutoff |
Cutoff values for each covariate |
digits |
Rounding digits |
icensor |
Control for censoring rate: 1 - 50% |
model |
Model for simulating data: must be either |
v |
Scale parameter for |
rho |
Correlation for marginal models. Not used in other models |
a |
Parameter for |
lambda |
Parameter for |
This function generates multivariate survival data. Letting number of clusters,
number of units per cluster, and
be a candidate covariate, the following multivariate survival models can be used:
absolutely continuous
not absolutely continuous
The user specifies the coefficients ( and
), the cutoff values, the censoring rate, and the model with the respective parameters.
dat |
The simulated data |
model |
The model used |
Xiaogang Su, Peter Calhoun, Juanjuan Fan
Fan J., Nunn M., Su X. (2009) Multivariate exponential survival trees and their application to tooth prognosis. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 53(4), 1110–1121.
Su X., Fan J., Wang A., Johnson M. (2006) On Simulating Multivariate Failure Times. International Journal of Applied Mathematics & Statistics, 5, 8–18
genSurv, complex.surv.dat.sim, survsim
randMarginalExp <- rmultime(N = 200, K = 4, beta = c(-1, 2, 2, 0, 0), cutoff = c(0.5, 0.5, 0, 0), digits = 1, icensor = 1, model = "marginal.multivariate.exponential", rho = .65)$dat randFrailtyGamma <- rmultime(N = 200, K = 4, beta = c(-1, 1, 3, 0), cutoff = c(0.4, 0.6, 0), digits = 1, icensor = 1, model = "gamma.frailty", v = 1)$dat
randMarginalExp <- rmultime(N = 200, K = 4, beta = c(-1, 2, 2, 0, 0), cutoff = c(0.5, 0.5, 0, 0), digits = 1, icensor = 1, model = "marginal.multivariate.exponential", rho = .65)$dat randFrailtyGamma <- rmultime(N = 200, K = 4, beta = c(-1, 1, 3, 0), cutoff = c(0.4, 0.6, 0), digits = 1, icensor = 1, model = "gamma.frailty", v = 1)$dat
Survival of teeth with various predictors.
A data frame with 65,890 teeth on the following 56 variables.
numeric. mobil Mobility score (on a scale 0–5).
numeric. bleed Bleeding on Probing (percentage).
numeric. plaque Plaque Score (percentage).
numeric. pocket_mean Periodontal Probing Depth (tooth-level mean).
numeric. pocket_max Periodontal Probing Depth (tooth-level mean).
numeric. cal_mean Clinical Attachment Level (tooth-level mean).
numeric. cal_max Clinical Attachment Level (tooth-level max).
numeric. fgm_mean Free Gingival Margin (tooth-level mean).
numeric. fgm_max Free Gingival Margin (tooth-level max).
numeric. mg Mucogingival Defect.
numeric. filled Filled Surfaces.
numeric. decay_new Decayed Surfaces – new.
numeric. decay_recur Decayed Surfaces – recurrent.
numeric. dfs Decayed and Filled Surfaces.
factor. crown Crown.
factor. endo Endodontic Therapy.
factor. implant Tooth Implant.
factor. pontic Bridge Pontic.
factor. missing_tooth Missing Tooth.
factor. filled_tooth Filled Tooth.
factor. decayed_tooth Decayed Tooth.
factor. furc_max Furcation Involvement for Molars.
numeric. bleed_ave Bleeding on Probing (mean percentage).
numeric. plaque_ave Plaque Index (mean percentage).
numeric. pocket_mean_ave Periodontal Probing Depth (mean of tooth mean).
numeric. pocket_max_ave Periodontal Probing Depth (mean of tooth max).
numeric. cal_mean_ave Clinical Attachment Level (mean of tooth mean).
numeric. cal_max_ave Clinical Attachment Level (mean of tooth max).
numeric. fgm_mean_ave Free Gingival Margin (mean of tooth max).
numeric. fgm_max_ave Free Gingival Margin (mean of tooth max).
numeric. mg_ave Mucogingival Defect (mean).
numeric. filled_sum Filled Surfaces (total).
numeric. filled_ave Filled Surfaces (mean).
numeric. decay_new_sum New Decayed Surfaces (total).
numeric. decay_new_ave New Decayed Surfaces (mean).
numeric. decay_recur_sum Recurrent Decayed Surfaces (total).
numeric. decay_recur_ave Recurrent Decayed Surfaces (mean).
numeric. dfs_sum Decayed and Filled Surfaces (total).
numeric. dfs_ave Decayed and Filled Surfaces (mean).
numeric. filled_tooth_sum Number of Filled Teeth.
numeric. filled_tooth_ave Percentage of Filled Teeth.
numeric. decayed_tooth_sum Number of Decayed Teeth.
numeric. decayed_tooth_ave Percentage of Decayed Teeth.
numeric. missing_tooth_sum Number of Missing Teeth.
numeric. missing_tooth_ave Percentage of Missing Teeth.
numeric. total_tooth Number of Teeth.
numeric. dft Number of Decayed and Filled Teeth.
numeric. baseline_age Patient Age at Baseline (years).
factor. gender Gender.
factor. diabetes Diabetes Mellitus.
factor. tobacco_ever Tobacco Use.
logical. Molar.
numeric. Patient ID.
numeric. Tooth ID.
numeric. Tooth Loss Status.
numeric. Follow Up Time.
Patients were treated at the Creighton University School of Dentistry from August 2007 to March 2013. This is a subset of the original data.
The goal is to estimate the survival time of teeth (molars or non-molars) using 51 predictors (22 tooth-level factors (x1–x22) and 29 patient-level factors (x23–x51)).