Exact - Unconditional Exact Test
Performs unconditional exact tests and power calculations
for 2x2 contingency tables. For comparing two independent
proportions, performs Barnard's test (1945)
<doi:10.1038/156177a0> using the original CSM test (Barnard,
1947 <doi:10.1093/biomet/34.1-2.123>), using Fisher's p-value
referred to as Boschloo's test (1970)
<doi:10.1111/j.1467-9574.1970.tb00104.x>, or using a
Z-statistic (Suissa and Shuster, 1985, <doi:10.2307/2981892>).
For comparing two binary proportions, performs unconditional
exact test using McNemar's Z-statistic (Berger and Sidik, 2003,
<doi:10.1191/0962280203sm312ra>), using McNemar's conditional
p-value, using McNemar's Z-statistic with continuity
correction, or using CSM test. Calculates confidence intervals
for the difference in proportion. This package interacts with
pre-computed data available through the ExactData R package,
which is available in a 'drat' repository. Install the
ExactData R package from GitHub at
<https://pcalhoun1.github.io/drat/>. The ExactData R package is
approximately 85 MB.